Sunday, February 2, 2020

Nineveh Lent/ Three Day Lent

Nineveh Lent/ 3 Day Lent…starts today evening…
The three day lent is a lent of attrition and repentance commemorating the repentance of the people Nineveh at the preaching of Prophet Jonah. This lent starts three weeks before the start of the Great Lent. Readings for Monday of Three Days Lent:
Evening – St. Matthew 12: 31-41
Morning – Numbers5: 5-10
Jonah 1:1- 17
Isaiah19: 17-22
Acts13:6 – 12
Colossians1: 3-13
St. Matthew 7: 1-12
The Book of Jonah gives us insight of forgiveness of sins by earnest repentance. Fasting and prayer is the means of the repentance. Jonah and Nineveh received the salvation through the mercy of God which was earned by repentance. With our sins, we are also in the belly of a great whale in the sea. The great whale is Satan, and he swallowed us in our sins and he is in the sea of this world. The only way out of his belly and out of this sea is repentance.Let the prayers, meditation, and fasting and almsgiving in our every possible ways of the three days lent, will strengthen our souls to repent from our sins.Have a Blessed Lent….Lord have mercy on us….