Monday, May 21, 2018

Peace Channel teach volunteers about dealing with conflict, and solution-forming values

Students of St. Paul School along with resource persons, in Kohima.

Dimapur (EMN): The Don Bosco College of Kohima’s student volunteers Elivi Swu, Lulu Awomi, Ayekali Aye, along with the district coordinator of peace channel Susan Kulnu taught students on various topics. With the event held on May 18 and 19th at two schools in the Kohima district. Updates on Sunday informed about the seminar.
On May 18 the team conducted seminar at the St. Paul School in Phesama with the theme ‘understanding and responding to conflict.’ The interaction was conducted with an objective to impart knowledge about conflict and its consequences, understand and response to the conflict.
A student leader, Elivi Swu said, ‘conflict refers to some form of disagreement arises within a group when their beliefs are resisted or unaccepted other members.’ She added that conflicts are natural and inevitable which is a natural part of living. Further, she said conflicts vary from person to person and from situation to situation.
Swu was stated to have suggested five methods in which individuals can manage conflict: avoidance, competition, compromise, accommodation and collaboration.
She remarked that conflicts cannot be overcome by individual efforts, but it can be solved by collective efforts providing when there is understanding within the groups.
By understanding conflict and learning the approaches to respond to conflict, Swu is of the opinion that people will be able to accomplish the goal for peace.
On May 19 at the Sacred Heart School in Khuzama village, the team conducted another interaction about the topic ‘morality and discipline.’ The update stated that the main objective was to shape students with good discipline and moral values.
Another student leader Lulu Awomi was the resource person of the day. She mentioned that morality and discipline are essential parts of individual life.
Morality helps individual to judge the difference between right and the wrong as well as good and bad. It teaches one to be honest and upright in their effort to achieve goal, she added.
